The average height usually comes to mind when we wonder about the male and female heights of some countries and nations. On this page, you can see the average height of men and women according to the countries obtained as a result of extensive research. For example, the height of Koreans is widely wondered. You may be wondering about the average height of men and women in South Korea. Or you may want to compare the height of Chinese men and women with the heights of men and women in The USA. That’s why you are in the right place and with the right data. In the meantime, the average height of men and women in all over the world is quite often wondered.
The science and processes of measuring the human body such as our height, weight (weight) and skinfold thickness (also called skinfold) are called anthropometry . Anthropo comes from the Greek word meaning “man”. Metri , on the other hand, comes from the word “metron” meaning “measure-measure”.
Scientists and doctors use these measurements to evaluate nutrition and to find averages and trends in human growth. Designers, on the other hand, can use anthropometric data to create more ergonomic spaces, furniture, tools, and assistive devices. You can even calculate your body mass index with your own height and weight data . Again, by entering your gender and height, you can find out what your ideal weight is for your height .
The data are also used for the country’s height-weight measurement tables. Again, these data are also used to help monitor changes in body composition or disease risk that can be expected throughout a person’s lifetime .
Now we know for what purposes height is measured. Then we can move on to the data below showing the average height of men and women.
Average Height for Men and Women Worldwide
As you can imagine, the range of average height in the world is quite wide.
A 2016 study shows that Iranian men have seen the biggest change in their height in the last century, increasing by about 17 centimeters. The researchers, who are part of a global group of health scientists known as the NCD Risk Factor Collaboration, explain that both biological factors ( such as genetic predisposition ) and socioeconomic factors ( such as access to quality food ) can influence height range.
The table below shows the average height of men and women in countries around the world and is based on an analysis of hundreds of population-based studies. The most up-to-date ones of these data have been tried to be included if possible. While some researches obtained these height data by making direct measurements, some of them collected the data based on the information given by the individuals themselves by the survey method. Results that include the age group above the age of 18 are preferred here. In some countries, it was not possible to find up-to-date data on either gender. Since some studies report average height for only one gender, in some countries the results of more than one study have been combined.
According to these data, the average height of men in the world is 173 cm and the average height of women is 161 cm. In comparisons both around the world and on the basis of countries, it has been determined that men are on average 12 cm taller than women.
World Countries Average Height Table
Country | Male Height Average | Average Female Height |
Germany Average height | 178 cm | 165 cm |
United States Average height( * ) | 175,7 cm | 161,8 cm |
Argentina Average height | 174,46 cm | 161,01 cm |
Albania Average height | 174 cm | 161,8 cm |
Europe Average height | 177,6 cm | – |
Australia Average height | 175,6 cm | 161,8 cm |
Austria Average height | 179 cm | 166 cm |
Azerbaijan Average height | 171,8 cm | 165,4 cm |
Bahrain Average height | 165,1 cm | 154,2 cm |
Bangladesh Average height | – | 150,6 cm |
Belgium Average height | 178,6 cm | 168,1 cm |
Benin Average height | – | 159,3 cm |
United Arab Emirates Average height | 173,4 cm | 156,4 cm |
United Kingdom – Wales Average height | 177 cm | 162 cm |
United Kingdom – England Average height | 177,8 cm | 164,5 cm |
United Kingdom – Scotland Average height | 175 cm | 161,3 cm |
Bolivia Average height | – | 151,8 cm |
Bosnia and Herzegovina Average height | 183,9 cm | 171,1 cm |
Brazil Average height | 170,7 cm | 158,8 cm |
Bulgaria Average height | 175,2 cm | 163,2 cm |
Burkina Faso Average height | – | 161,6 cm |
Chad Average height | – | 162,6 cm |
Czech Republic Average height | 180,31 cm | 167,22 cm |
China Average height | 167,1 cm | 155,8 cm |
Denmark Average height | 182,6 cm | 168,7 cm |
Dinaric Alps Average height | 185,6 cm | 171,8 cm |
Dominican Republic Average height | – | 156,4 cm |
El Salvador Average height | – | 160,3 cm |
Indonesia Average height | 158 cm | 147 cm |
Armenia Average height | – | 158,1 cm |
Estonia Average height | 179,1 cm | – |
Esvatini Average height | – | 159,1 cm |
Ethiopia Average height | – | 157,6 cm |
Morocco Average height | – | 158,5 cm |
Average height in Ivory Coast | – | 159,8 cm |
Philippines Average height | 165,6 cm | – |
Finland Average height | 180,7 cm | 167,2 cm |
France Average height | 175,6 cm | 162,5 cm |
Gabon Average height | – | 158,4 cm |
Gambia – Rural Average height | 168 cm | 157,8 cm |
Ghana Average height | – | 159,3 cm |
Ghana Average height | 169,5 cm | 158,5 cm |
Guinea Average height | – | 158,8 cm |
Guatemala Average height | – | 147,3 cm |
South Africa Average height | 168 cm | 159 cm |
South Korea Average height | 170,7 cm | 157,4 cm |
Haiti Average height | – | 158,6 cm |
Croatia Average height | 180,4 cm | 166,49 cm |
India Average height | 164,7 cm | 151,9 cm |
Netherlands Average height | 180,8 cm | 167,5 cm |
Honduras Average height | – | 152 cm |
Hong Kong Average height | 171,7 cm | 158,7 cm |
Iraq – Baghdad Average height | 165,4 cm | 155,8 cm |
Iran Average height | 170,3 cm | 157,2 cm |
Ireland Average height | 177 cm | 163 cm |
Spain Average height | 173,1 cm | 159,6 cm |
Israel Average height | 177 cm | 166 cm |
Sweden Average height | 181,5 cm | 166,8 cm |
Switzerland Average height | 175,4 cm | 164 cm |
Italy Average height | 176,5 cm | 162,5 cm |
Iceland Average height | 181 cm | 168 cm |
Jamaica Average height | 171,8 cm | 160,8 cm |
Japan Average height | 172 cm | 158 cm |
Cambodia Average height | – | 152,4 cm |
Cameroon – Kent Average height | 170,6 cm | 161,3 cm |
Canada Average height | 175,1 cm | 162,3 cm |
Montenegro Average height | 183,2 cm | 168,4 cm |
Qatar Average height | 170,8 cm | 161,1 cm |
Kazakhstan Average height | – | 159,8 cm |
Average height in Kenya | 170 cm | 158,2 cm |
Kyrgyzstan Average height | – | 158 cm |
Colombia Average height | 170,6 cm | 158,7 cm |
Comoros Average height | – | 154,8 cm |
Democratic Republic of the Congo Average height | – | 159 cm |
Average height in North Korea | 165,6 cm | 154,9 cm |
Cuba – Urban Average height | 168 cm | 156 cm |
Lesotho Average height | – | 157,6 cm |
Liberia Average height | – | 157,3 cm |
Lithuania Average height | 181,3 cm | 167,5 cm |
Hungary Average height | 176 cm | 164 cm |
Madagascar Average height | – | 154,3 cm |
Malawi – Urban Average height | 166 cm | 155 cm |
Malaysia Average height | 166,3 cm | 154,7 cm |
Mali – Southern Mali Average height | 171,3 cm | 160,4 cm |
Malta Average height | 169,9 cm | 159,9 cm |
Mexico Average height | 167 cm | 154 cm |
Egypt Average height | 170,3 cm | 158,9 cm |
Mongolia Average height | 168,4 cm | 157,7 cm |
Moldova Average height | – | 161,2 cm |
Mozambique Average height | – | 156 cm |
Namibia Average height | – | 160,7 cm |
Nepal Average height | 163 cm | 150,8 cm |
Nigeria Average height | 163,8 cm | 157,8 cm |
Nicaragua Average height | – | 153,7 cm |
Norway Average height | 180,3 cm | 167 cm |
Central African Republic Average height | – | 158,9 cm |
Uzbekistan Average height | – | 159,9 cm |
Peru Average height | 164 cm | 151 cm |
Poland Average height | 178,7 cm | 165,1 cm |
Portugal Average height | 171 cm | 161 cm |
Portugal Average height | 173,7 cm | 163,7 cm |
Romania Average height | 172 cm | 157 cm |
Rwanda Average height | – | 157,7 cm |
Russia Average height | 177,2 cm | 164,1 cm |
Samoa Average height | – | 166,6 cm |
Senegal Average height | – | 163 cm |
Serbia Average height | 182 cm | 166,8 cm |
Singapore Average height | 171 cm | 160 cm |
Slovakia Average height | 179,4 cm | 165,6 cm |
Slovenia – Ljubljana Average height | 180,3 cm | 167,4 cm |
Sri Lanka Average height | 163,6 cm | 151,4 cm |
Saudi Arabia Average height | 168,9 cm | 156,3 cm |
Chile Average height | 169,6 cm | 156,1 cm |
Tanzania Average height | – | 156,6 cm |
Thailand Average height | 170,3 cm | 159 cm |
Taiwan Average height | 171,4 cm | 159,9 cm |
Average height in Togo | – | 159 cm |
Tonga Average height | 176,1 cm | 165,3 cm |
Turkey Average height | 173,6 cm | 161,9 cm |
Uganda Average height | – | 159,2 cm |
Uruguay Average height | 170 cm | 158 cm |
Jordan Average height | – | 158,2 cm |
Vietnam Average height | 165,7 cm | 155,2 cm |
New Zealand Average height | 177 cm | 164 cm |
Average height in Greece | 177 cm | 165 cm |
Zambia Average height | – | 158,5 cm |
Zimbabwe Average height | – | 160,3 cm |
How is Germany average of men and women individuals
While the average height for Germany is 178 centimeters for men, women living within the same country are 165 cm. It is seen that Germany women are 13 cm shorter than men. Germany Male Boy Average is 5 cm tall from the male average neck. Germany Women's Boy Average The world is 4 cm from the average neck.
What is the average length of the United States citizens by their gender?
While the United States men are an average of 175.7 centimeters, women living in the same country are 161.8 cm. It is seen that the United States women are 13.9 cm shorter than men. United States Male Boy Average The world is 2.7 cm from the male average neck. The United States of America is average of women's height of the world is 0.8 cm from the average neck.
Argentine woman - Male average length length?
While the average length of the Argentina men are 174.5 centimeters, this value is 161 cm for women living in the same country. Argentina women are seen to be 13.5 cm shorter than men. Argentina Male Boy Average The world is 1.5 cm longer than the male average neck. Argentina is more than 0 cm from the average of women's height average world female average neck.
What are Albania men and women's length averages?
Albania men are 174 centimeters in the mean, the weight averages of women living within the same country are 161.8 cm. It is seen that Albania women are 12.2 cm shorter than men. Albania Male Boy Average is 1 cm longer than the male average neck. Albania Women's Boy Average The World Women is 0.8 cm from the average neck.
What is the height of European men and women individuals?
The height averages of European male citizens are 177.6 centimeters, there is no research data on women living in the same country. The European male height average is 4.6 cm longer than the male average neck.
What is the average length of Australian citizens by their gender?
While the average height for Australia men was 175.6 centimeters, the height of women living within the same country is 161.8 cm. Australian women are seen to be 13.8 cm from men. Australian Male Boy Average is 2.6 cm longer than the male average neck. Australian Women's Boy Average The world is more than 0.8 cm from the average neck.
Austrian woman - what is the male average length length?
While Austrian males are 179 centimeters, women living in the same country are 166 cm. Austrian women are seen to be 13 cm shorter than men. AUSTRIA Male Boy Average The world is 6 cm taller than the male average neck. Austrian woman size average is more than 5 cm from the world female average neck.
What are Azerbaijan men and women's length averages?
While Azerbaijan men are 171.8 centimeters of men, this value is 165.4 cm for women living in the same country. It is seen that Azerbaijan women are 6,4 cm shorter than men. Azerbaijan Male Boy Average is 1.2 cm shorter than the world male size average. Azerbaijani Women's Boy Average The World Women is 4.4 cm from the average neck.
What is the Bahrain male and female individuals averaging of individuals?
Bahrain men are 165.1 centimeters in the mean, while the weight averages of women living within the same country are 154.2 cm. Bahrain women are seen to be 10.9 cm shorter than men. Bahrain Male Boy Average is 7.9 cm shorter than the world male size average. Bahrain Women's height average is 6.8 cm shorter than the world-wide average woman neck.
What is the average length of Bangladesh by their gender?
While Bangladesh female citizens are 150.6 cm, there are no research data on men's heights living in the same country. Bangladesh woman size average is 10.4 cm shorter than the world-wide average woman neck.
Belgian woman - Male average length length?
While the average height for Belgium men is 178.6 centimeters, the height of women living in the same country is 168.1 cm. It is seen that Belgian women are 10.5 cm shorter than men. Belgium Male Boy Average The world is 5.6 cm longer than the male average neck. Belgium Women's Boy Average The World Women is 7.1 cm from the average neck.
What are the length averages of men and women's lengths?
While the height averages of women's citizens are 159.3 cm, there is no research data on men's heights living in the same country. The average of me is the average of me is 1.7 cm shorter than the average woman's neck.
What is the United Arab Emirates Male and Female individuals average of individuals?
The average length of the United Arab Emirates is 173.4 centimeters of men, this value is 156.4 cm for women living within the same country. It is seen that the United Arab Emirates women are shorter than men are 17 cm. United Arab Emirates Male Boy Average The world is 0.4 cm tall from the male average neck. United Arab Emirates Women's Boy Average The average of the world is 4.6 cm shorter than the average woman neck.
United Kingdom - What is the average length of nationals of Wales compared to their gender?
The United Kingdom - Wales men are 177 centimeters in the mean, the weight averages of women living within the same country are 162 cm. United Kingdom - Wales women are seen to be 15 cm shorter than men. United Kingdom - Wales Male Boy Average is 4 cm tall from the male average neck. United Kingdom - Wales Women's Boy Average The world woman is more than 1 cm from the average neck.
United Kingdom - England Woman - Male What is average length length?
In the United Kingdom - UK men, while the average height is 177.8 centimeters, women living within the same country are 164.5 cm. United Kingdom - England women are seen to be 13.3 cm shorter than men. United Kingdom - UK Male Boy Average The world is 4,8 cm tall from the male average neck. United Kingdom - UK Women's Boy Average The World Women is 3.5 cm from the average neck.
United Kingdom - Scotland What are the length averages of men and women's heights?
In the United Kingdom - Scotland men with an average of 175 centimeters, women living in the same country are 161.3 cm. It is seen that the United Kingdom - Scotland women are 13.7 cm shorter than men. United Kingdom - Scotland Male Boy Average is 2 cm tall from the male average neck. United Kingdom - Scotland Women's Boy Average The world is more than 0.3 cm from the average neck.
How is Bolivia men and women's size averages?
While Bolivian women's citizens are 151.8 cm, there is no research data on men's heights living in the same country. Bolivia Women's Height Average The world is average 9.2 cm from the average woman neck.
What is the average length of the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina according to their gender?
Bosnia and Herzegovina is 183.9 centimeters in the mean, while the weight averages of women living within the same country are 171.1 cm. Bosnia and Herzegovina women are 12.8 cm shorter than men. Bosnia-Herzegovina Male Boy Average The world is 10.9 cm from the male average neck. Bosnia and Herzegovina is 10.1 cm above the average of women's heights world female average neck.
Brazil Woman - What is the Male average length length?
While the average height for Brazilian men is 170.7 centimeters, the height of women living in the same country is 158.8 cm. It is seen that Brazilian women are 11.9 cm shorter than men. Brazil Male Boy Average is 2.3 cm according to the world male height average. Brazilian woman height average is 2.2 cm shorter than the world-wide average woman neck.
What are Bulgaria men and women's length averages?
While Bulgaria men are 175.2 centimeters, women living within the same country are 163.2 cm. It is seen that Bulgaria women are 12 cm shorter than men. Bulgaria Male Boy Average The world is 2.2 cm tall from the male average neck. Bulgaria Women's Boy Average The World Women is 2.2 cm from the average neck.
What is Burkina Faso Male and Female individuals averaging of individuals?
While Burkina Faso female citizens are 161.6 cm, there is no research data on the boys living in the same country. Burkina Faso Women's Boy Average The world is more than 0.6 cm from the average neck.
What is the average length of Chad citizens by their gender?
When the height averages of chad women citizens are 162.6 cm, there is no research data on the boys living in the same country. Chad women size average world woman is more than 1.6 cm from the average neck.
Woman with Czech Republic - Male average length length?
While the average height for the Czech Republic males is 180.31 centimeters, the height of women living in the same country is 167.22 cm. The Czech Republic women are 13.1 cm shorter than men. The Male Boy Average Czech Republic is 7.3 cm tall from the world male average neck. Czech Republic Women's Boy Average The world is 6.2 cm from the average neck.
What are the length averages of the height of Chinese men and women?
While Chinese men are 167.1 centimeters, women living within the same country are 155.8 cm. It is seen that Chinese women are 11.3 cm shorter than men. China Male Boy Average is 5.9 cm shorter than the world male size average. The average of Chinese women's height is a 5,2 cm shorter than the average woman's neck.
What is the size of the boy and female individuals from Denmark?
This value is 168.7 cm for women living in the same country while the average length of the Danish men is 182.6 centimeters. Denmark women are seen to be 13.9 cm shorter than men. Denmark Male Boy Average The world is 9.6 cm tall from the male average neck. Denmark Women's Boy Average The World Women is 7.7 cm from the average neck.
What is the average length of the dinar Alps by their citizens' gender?
The weight averages of women living within the same country are 171.8 cm while the dinar alps are 185.6 centimeters in the mean. Dinar Alps women are 13.8 cm shorter than men. Dinar Alps Male Boy Average The world is 12.6 cm from the male average neck. Dinar Alps Women's Boy Average The world is 10.8 cm from the average neck.
Dominican Republic Woman - Male What is average length length?
While the height averages of the Dominican Republic women's citizens are 156.4 cm, there is no research data on men's heights living in the same country. Dominican Republic Women's height average is 4,6 cm shorter from the world-wide average female neck.
What are El Salvador men and women's length averages?
When the height averages of El Salvador female citizens are 160.3 cm, there is no research data on the boys living in the same country. El Salvador Women's height average is 0.7 cm shorter than the average woman neck.
What is the size of men and women with Indonesia?
While the average length of Indonesia men is 158 centimeters, this value is 147 cm for women living in the same country. Indonesian women are seen to be 11 cm shorter than men. Indonesia Male Boy Average is 15 cm shorter than the world male size average. Indonesia Women's height average is 14 cm shorter than the world-wide average woman neck.
What is the average length of Armenian citizens by their gender?
The height of the Armenia women citizens are 158.1 cm, there is no research data on the boys living in the same country. Armenia woman height average is 2.9 cm shorter than the world-wide average woman neck.
Estonia woman - Male average height length?
The height averages of Estonian male citizens are 179.1 centimeters, while there is no research data on women living in the same country. Estonia Male Boy Average The world is 6.1 cm tall from the male average neck.
What are esvatini men and women's length averages?
Esvatini women's citizens are 159.1 cm while the height of 159.1 cm, there is no research data on the boys living in the same country. Esvatini Women's height average is 1.9 cm shorter than the world-wide average woman neck.
What is the height of men and female individuals in Ethiopia?
While the heighting averages of Ethiopian female citizens is 157.6 cm, there is no research data on the boys living in the same country. Ethiopian Women's Boy Average The world is average 3,4 cm from the average woman neck.
What is the average length of Morocco citizens by their gender?
The height averages of Morocco women's citizens are 158.5 cm, there is no research data on the boys living in the same country. Morocco Women's Boy Average The world is average 25 cm shorter than the average woman neck.
Woman Ivory Coast - What is the male average length length?
While the hevory coast female citizens are 159.8 cm, there is no research data on the boys living in the same country. Ivory Coast Women's height average is 1.2 cm shorter than the world-wide average woman neck.
What are Philippines men and women's length averages?
The height averages of the male citizens of the Philippines are 165.6 centimeters, there is no research data on women living in the same country. Philippines Male Boy Average is 7.4 cm shorter than the world male size average.
How is Finland male and female individuals average of individuals?
While the average height for Finland men is 180.7 centimeters, women living in the same country are 167.2 cm. It is seen that Finland women are 13.5 cm shorter than men. Finland Male Boy Average The world is 7.7 cm tall from the male average neck. Finland Women's Boy Average The world is more than 6.2 cm from the average neck.
What is the average length of the citizens of France citizens?
While France men are 175.6 centimeters, women living within the same country are 162.5 cm. It is seen that France women are 13.1 cm shorter than men. France Male Boy Average is 2.6 cm longer than the male average neck. France women's height average world woman is more than 1.5 cm from the mean neck.
Gabon Woman - Male What is average length length?
While Gabon female citizens are 158.4 cm, there are no research data on men's heights living in the same country. Gabon Women's height average is 2.6 cm shorter than the world-wide average woman neck.
Gambia - What are the length averages of rural men and women's heights?
Gambia - rural men are 168 centimeters in the mean, the weight averages of women living within the same country are 157.8 cm. Gambia - rural women are seen to be 10.2 cm shorter than men. Gambia - Countryside Male Boy Average is 5 cm shorter than the average of the world male size. Gambia - rural women's height average is 3,2 cm shorter from the world-wide average woman neck.
What is Ghana men and women individuals average of individuals?
While Ghana women citizens are 159.3 cm, there is no research data on the heights of men living in the same country. Ghana Women's Boy Average The average woman is 1.7 cm shorter than the average woman neck.
What is the average length of Ghana citizens by their gender?
While Ghana men are 169.5 centimeters, women living in the same country are 158.5 cm. Ghana women are seen to be 11 cm shorter than men. Ghana Male Boy Average is 3.5 cm shorter than the world male size average. Ghana Women's height average is 2.5 cm shorter than the world-wide average woman neck.
Guinea woman - what is the male average length length?
While the height averages of guinea female citizens are 158.8 cm, there is no research data on the boys living in the same country. Guinea women size average is 2.2 cm shorter than the world-wide average woman neck.
What are Guatemala men and women's length averages?
While the height averages of Guatemala female citizens is 147.3 cm, there is no research data on the boys living in the same country. Guatemala Women's height average is 13.7 cm shorter than the world-wide average woman neck.
South Africa Male and female individuals are the size of individuals?
While the average height for South Africa is 168 centimeters, the height of women living in the same country is 159 cm. South African women are seen to be 9 cm shorter than men. South African Male Boy Average is 5 cm shorter than the average of the world male size. South Africa Women's height average is 2 cm shorter than the world-wide average woman neck.
What is the average length of South Korea citizens by their gender?
While South Korea men are an average of 170.7 centimeters, women living in the same country are 157.4 cm. It is seen that South Korea women are 13.3 cm shorter than men. South Korea Male Boy Average is 2.3 cm shorter than the world male size average. South Korea Women's height average is 3.6 cm shorter from the average woman neck of the world.
Haiti woman - what is the male average length length?
While the height averages of Haiti female citizens are 158.6 cm, there is no research data on the boys living in the same country. Haiti Women's height average is 2.4 cm shorter than the world-wide average woman neck.
What are the averages of lengths of men and women in Croatia?
While Croatia men are 180.4 centimeters in the mean, the weight averages of women living within the same country are 166,49 cm. It is seen that Croatian women are 13.9 cm shorter than men. Croatia Male Boy Average The world is 7.4 cm tall from the male average neck. Croatia Women's Boy Average The world woman is 5.5 cm from the average neck.
What is the size average of men and women in India?
While the average height for men is 164.7 centimeters for India, the height of women living within the same country is 151.9 cm. It is seen that India women are 12.8 cm shorter than men. India Male Boy Average is 8.3 cm shorter than the world male size average. India Women's Boy Average The average woman is 9.1 cm shorter than the average woman neck.
What is the average length of Netherlands by their gender?
While the Netherlands men are an average of 180.8 centimeters, women living in the same country are 167.5 cm. It is seen that the Netherlands women are 13.3 cm shorter than men. The Netherlands Male Boy Average is 7.8 cm tall from the world male average neck. Netherlands Women's Boy Average The World Women is 6.5 cm from the average neck.
Honduras Woman - What is the Male average length length?
Honduras women's citizens are 152 cm while the height of 152 cm, there is no research data on the boys living in the same country. Honduras Women's Boy Average The world is 9 cm shorter than average woman neck.
What are Hong Kong men and women's length averages?
Hong Kong men are 171.7 centimeters in the mean, the weight averages of women living within the same country are 158.7 cm. Hong Kong women are seen to be 13 cm shorter than men. Hong Kong Male Boy Average is 1.3 cm shorter than the world male size average. Hong Kong Women's height average is 2.3 cm shorter than the world-wide average female neck.
Iraq - Baghdad Male and Female individuals are the size of individuals?
While Iraq - Baghdad men are 165.4 centimeters for men, the height of women living in the same country is 155.8 cm. Iraq - Baghdad women are seen to be 9.6 cm from men. Iraq - Baghdad Male Boy Average is 7.6 cm shorter than the average of the world male size. Iraq - Baghdad Women's height average is 5,2 cm shorter from the average woman neck of the world.
What is the average length of Iranian citizens by their gender?
While Iranian men are 170.3 centimeters, women living within the same country are 157.2 cm. It is seen that Iranian women are 13.1 cm shorter than men. Iran Male Boy Average is 2.7 cm shorter than the average of the world male size. Iranian Women's Boy Average The average woman is 3.8 cm shorter than the average woman neck.
Ireland woman - what is the male average length length?
While the average length of Ireland men is 177 centimeters, this value is 163 cm for women living within the same country. Irish women are seen to be 14 cm shorter than men. Ireland Male Boy Average The world is 4 cm longer than the male average neck. Ireland Women's Boy Average World woman is 2 cm from the average neck.
What are Spain men and women's length averages?
Spain men are 173.1 centimeters in the mean, while the weight averages of women living within the same country are 159.6 cm. Spain women are 13.5 cm shorter than men. Spain Male Boy Average The world is 0.1 cm longer than the male average neck. Spain Women's Boy Average is 1.4 cm shorter from the average woman neck of the world.
What is Israeli men and women's size averages?
While the average height for Israeli men are 177 centimeters, the height of women living in the same country is 166 cm. It is seen that Israeli women are 11 cm shorter than men. Israeli Male Boy Average is 4 cm tall from the male average neck. Israeli woman size average world woman is 5 cm from average neck.
What is the average length of Swedish citizens by their gender?
While Sweden men are 181.5 centimeters, women living in the same country are 166.8 cm. Swedish women are seen to be 14.7 cm from men. Sweden Male Boy Average The world is 8.5 cm longer than the male average neck. Sweden women's height average world woman is 5.8 cm from the mean neck.
Switzerland Woman - What is the Male average length length?
While the average length of Switzerland men is 175.4 centimeters, this value is 164 cm for women living in the same country. It is seen that Switzerland women are 11.4 cm shorter than men. Swiss Male Boy Average is 2.4 cm longer than the male average neck. Swiss women's height average world woman is more than 3 cm from average neck.
What are the length averages of the height of Male and women of Italy?
Italy men are 176.5 centimeters in the mean, while the weight averages of women living within the same country are 162.5 cm. Italy women are seen to be 14 cm shorter than men. Italy male height average is 3.5 cm longer than the male average neck. Italy woman size average world woman is more than 1.5 cm from the average neck.
How are Iceland men and women individuals are the height average?
While the average height for Iceland men is 181 centimeters, the height of women living in the same country is 168 cm. It is seen that Iceland women are 13 cm shorter than men. Iceland Male Boy Average is 8 cm longer than the male average neck. Iceland women's height average world woman is more than 7 cm from the average neck.
What is the average length of Jameika citizens by their gender?
While Jameika men are 171.8 centimeters, women living in the same country are 160.8 cm. Jameika women are seen to be 11 cm shorter than men. Jameika Male Boy Average is 1.2 cm shorter than the world male size average. Jameika Women's height average is 0.2 cm shorter than the world-wide average woman neck.
Japan woman - what is the male average length length?
While the average length of Japan men is 172 centimeters, this value is 158 cm for women living within the same country. Japan women are seen to be 14 cm shorter than men. Japan Male Boy Average is 1 cm shorter than the average of the world male size. Japan Women's height average is 3 cm shorter than the world-wide average woman neck.
What are Cambodia men and women's length averages?
While the height averages of women citizens of Cambodia is 152.4 cm, there is no research data on men's heights living in the same country. Cambodia Women's Boy Average The world is average 8.6 cm from the average woman neck.
Cameroon - What is the size of the city men and female individuals?
Cameroon - The average length for the city men is 170.6 centimeters, women living in the same country are 161.3 cm. Cameroon - It is seen that city women are 9.3 cm shorter than men. Cameroon - Kent Male Boy Average is 2.4 cm shorter than the world male size average. Cameroon - Urban Women's Boy Average The world woman is more than 0.3 cm from the average neck.
What is the average length of Canadian citizens by their gender?
While the average of Canada men are 175.1 centimeters, women living within the same country are 162.3 cm. It is seen that Canadian women are 12.8 cm shorter than men. Canada Male Boy Average The world is 2.1 cm tall from the male average neck. Canada Women's Boy Average The World Women is 1.3 cm from the average neck.
Montenegro woman - the male average height length?
While the average length of Montenegrin men 183.2 centimeters, this value is 168.4 cm for women living in the same country. It is seen that Montenegrin women are 14.8 cm shorter than men. Montenegrin Male Boy Average The world is 10.2 cm tall from the male average neck. Montenegro Women's Boy Average The World Women is 7.4 cm from the average neck.
What are Qatar men and women's length averages?
While Qatar men are 170.8 centimeters in the mean, the weight averages of women living within the same country are 161.1 cm. It is seen that Qatar women are 9.7 cm shorter than men. Qatar Male Boy Average is 2.2 cm shorter than the world male size average. Qatar Women's Boy Average The world is more than 0.1 cm from the average neck.
What is Kazakhstan Male and Female Individuals Average of individuals?
Kazakhstan women's citizens are 159.8 cm while the boys living in the same country are no research data on their height. Kazakhstan Women's Boy Average is 1.2 cm shorter than the world-wide average female neck.
What is the average length of Kenya citizens by their gender?
Kenya men were an average of 170 centimeters, women living in the same country are 158.2 cm. It is seen that Kenyan women are 11.8 cm shorter than men. Kenya Male Boy Average is 3 cm shorter than the world male size average. Kenya Women's Boy Average is 2.8 cm shorter than the world-wide average woman neck.
Kyrgygraphic woman - Male average length length?
Kyrgystan Women's citizens are 158 cm while the height is 158 cm, there is no research data on the boys living in the same country. Kyrgystan Women's Boy Average is 3 cm shorter than the world-wide average woman neck.
What are Colombia men and women's length averages?
While Colombia men are 170.6 centimeters in the mean, the weight averages of women living within the same country are 158.7 cm. It is seen that Colombia women are 11.9 cm shorter than men. Colombia Male Boy Average is 2.4 cm shorter than the world male size average. Colombia Women's height average is 2.3 cm shorter from the world-wide average woman neck.
How is Comoros men and women's height averages?
The boosts of women citizens are 154.8 cm while the height of women are not research data on the boys living in the same country. Comoros Women's height average The average woman is 6.2 cm shorter than the average woman neck.
What is the average length of the citizens of the Democratic Republic of Congo according to their gender?
While the height averages of women citizens of the Congo Democratic Republic is 159 cm, there is no research data on the boys living in the same country. Kongo Democratic Republic Women's Boy Average The average woman is 2 cm shorter than the average woman neck.
North Korean Woman - Male Average Height Length?
While the average length of North Korea men is 165.6 centimeters, this value is 154.9 cm for women living in the same country. It is seen that North Korean women are 10.7 cm shorter than men. North Korea Male Boy Average is 7.4 cm shorter than the average of the world male size. North Korea Women's Boy Average is 6.1 cm shorter than the world-wide average woman neck.
Cuba - What are the length averages of the length men and women's heights?
Cuba - Kent Men While 168 centimeters in the mean, the weight averages of women living in the same country are 156 cm. Cuban - Kent women are seen to be 12 cm shorter than men. Cuba - Kent Male Boy Average is 5 cm shorter than the average of the world male size. Cuba - Urban Women's Boy Average is 5 cm shorter than the world-wide average woman neck.
How is Lesotho men and women's height averages?
Lesotho Women's citizens are 157.6 cm while the height of women is 157.6 cm, there is no research data on the boys living in the same country. Lesotho Women's height average is 3,4 cm shorter from the world-wide average female neck.
What is the average length of Liberian citizens by their gender?
While the height averages of Liberia female citizens are 157.3 cm, there is no research data on the boys living in the same country. Liberia Women's height average is 3.7 cm shorter from the world-wide average woman neck.
Lithuanian woman - Male average length of length?
While the average length of Lithuanian men is 181.3 centimeters, this value is 167.5 cm for women living in the same country. It is seen that Lithuanian women are 13.8 cm shorter than men. Lithuania Male Boy Average The world is 8.3 cm tall from the male average neck. Lithuanian woman size average is 6.5 cm above the world female average neck.
What are Hungary men and women's length averages?
Hungary men were 176 centimeters in the mean, the weight averages of women living within the same country are 164 cm. It is seen that Hungary women are 12 cm shorter than men. Hungary Male Boy Average The world is 3 cm longer than the male average neck. Hungary woman size average world woman is more than 3 cm from the average neck.
What is Madagascar men and women's height of individuals?
Madagascar women's citizens are 154.3 cm while the boys living in the same country have no research data on the heights of men. Madagascar Women's Boy Average is 6.7 cm shorter than the world-wide average woman neck.
Malawi - What is the average length of citizens of urban citizens?
Malawi - Kent men, while the average of 166 centimeters, women living in the same country are 155 cm. Malawi - Kent women are seen to be 11 cm shorter than men. Malawi - Kent Male Boy Average is 7 cm shorter than the average of the world male size. Malawi - Urban Women's height average is 6 cm shorter than the world-wide average woman neck.
Malaysian woman - Male average height length?
While the average length of malaysia men is 166.3 centimeters, this value is 154.7 cm for women living within the same country. It is seen that Malaysian women are 11.6 cm shorter than men. Malaysia Male Boy Average is 6.7 cm shorter than the world male size average. Malaysia Women's height average is 6.3 cm shorter than the world-wide average woman neck.
What are the length averages of the length of financial-southern financial men and women?
The weight averages of women living within the same country are 160.4 cm while the fiscal-southern financial men are 171.3 in the mean. It is seen that the mali - southern financial women are 10.9 cm shorter than men. Mali - Southern Financial Male Boy Average is 1.7 cm shorter than the world male size average. Mali - Southern Financial Women's Boy Average is 0.6 cm shorter from the average woman neck.
What is the size of maltese men and women individuals?
While the average height for maltese men is 169.9 centimeters, the height of women living in the same country is 159.9 cm. It is seen that Malta women are 10 cm shorter than men. Malta Male Boy Average is 3,1 cm shorter than the world male size average. Malta Women's height average is 1.1 cm shorter than the world-wide average female neck.
What is the average length of Mexican citizens by their gender?
While Mexico men are average of 167 centimeters, women living in the same country are 154 cm. Mexican women are seen to be 13 cm shorter than men. Mexico Male Boy Average is 6 cm shorter than the world male size average. Mexico Women's Boy Average is 7 cm shorter than the world-wide average woman neck.
Egyptian woman - what is the male average length length?
While the average length of the corn men is 170.3 centimeters, this value is 158.9 cm for women living in the same country. Egyptian women are seen to be 11.4 cm from men. Egyptian Male Boy Average is 2.7 cm shorter than the world male size average. Egyptian woman height average is 2.1 cm shorter than the world-wide average woman neck.
What are Mongolia men and women's length averages?
Mongolia men are 168.4 centimeters in the mean, the weight averages of women living within the same country are 157.7 cm. It is seen that Mongolian women are 10.7 cm shorter than men. Mongolia Male Boy Average is 4.6 cm shorter than the world male size average. Mongolia Women's Boy Average The world is average 3,3 cm from the average woman neck.
What is Moldova male and female individuals average of individuals?
While Moldova female citizens are 161.2 cm, the length averages are 161.2 cm, there is no research data on the boys living in the same country. Moldova Women's Boy Average The World Woman is 0.2 cm from the average neck.
What is the average length of Mozambique citizens by their gender?
While Mozambique women citizens are 156 cm, there are no research data on men's heights living in the same country. Mozambique female height average is 5 cm shorter than the world-wide average woman neck.
Namibian woman - Male average length of length?
Namibia Women's citizens are 160.7 cm, while the height of 160.7 cm, there is no research data on men's heights living in the same country. Namibian woman height average is 0.3 cm shorter from the average woman neck of the world.
What are the length averages of the height of Nepal men and women?
While Nepal men are 163 centimeters in the mean, the weight averages of women living within the same country are 150.8 cm. It is seen that Nepal women are 12.2 cm from men. Nepal Male Boy Average is 10 cm shorter than the world male size average. Nepal female height average is 10.2 cm shorter than the world-wide average woman neck.
What is Nigeria men and women's size averages?
While the average height for Nigeria men is 163.8 centimeters, the height of women living in the same country is 157.8 cm. It is seen that Nigeria women are 6 cm shorter than men. Nigeria Male Boy Average is 9.2 cm shorter than the world male size average. Nigeria Women's height average is a 3,2 cm shorter than the world-wide average woman neck.
What is the average length of nicaragua citizens by their gender?
While the height of Nicaragua female citizens is 153.7 cm, there is no research data on the boys living in the same country. Nicaragua Women's Boy Average is 7.3 cm shorter than the world-wide average woman neck.
Norwegian woman - what is the male average length length?
While the average length of Norway men is 180.3 centimeters, this value is 167 cm for women living in the same country. It is seen that Norwegian women are 13.3 cm shorter than men. Norway Male Boy Average The world is 7.3 cm from the male average neck. Norwegian women's height average world woman is more than 6 cm from average neck.
What are the length averages of men and women's length in Central African Republic?
While the height of women's citizens of the Central African Republic of women is 158.9 cm, there is no research data on men's heights living in the same country. Central African Republic Women's Boy Average The mean woman is 2.1 cm shorter than the average woman neck.
Uzbekistan What is the size of men and women individuals?
The height averages of Uzbekistan women's citizens are 159.9 cm, there is no research data on the boys living in the same country. Uzbekistan Women's Boy Average is 1.1 cm shorter than the world-wide average woman neck.
What is the average length of peru citizens by their gender?
While Peru men are 164 centimeters on average, women living in the same country are 151 cm. Peru women are seen to be 13 cm shorter than men. Peru Male Boy Average is 9 cm shorter than the world male size average. Peru Women's height average is 10 cm shorter than the world-wide average woman neck.
Poland woman - Male average height length?
While the average length of Poland men is 178.7 centimeters, this value is 165.1 cm for women living in the same country. It is seen that Poland women are 13.6 cm shorter than men. Poland Male Boy Average The world is 5.7 cm tall from the male average neck. Poland Women's Boy Average The World Women is 4.1 cm from the mean neck.
What are the length averages of the lengths of Portugal men and women?
While Portugal men are 171 centimeters in the mean, the weight averages of women living within the same country are 161 cm. It is seen that Portuguese women are 10 cm shorter than men. Portugal Male Boy Average is 2 cm shorter than the average of the world male size. B3; The woman size average is the same as the world average.
What is the size average of men and women in Portugal?
While the average height for Portuguese men is 173.7 centimeters, the height of women living in the same country is 163.7 cm. It is seen that Portuguese women are 10 cm shorter than men. Portuguese Male Boy Average The world is 0.7 cm tall from the male average neck. Portugal woman size average world woman is 2.7 cm above the mean neck.
What is the average length of romania citizens by their gender?
While Romania men were an average of 172 centimeters, women living in the same country are an average of 157 cm. Romanian women are seen to be 15 cm shorter than men. Romania Male Boy Average is 1 cm shorter than the average of the world male size. Romania woman height average is 4 cm shorter than the world-wide average woman neck.
Rwanda woman - what is the male average length length?
While the height averages of Rwanda female citizens is 157.7 cm, there is no research data on men's heights living in the same country. Rwanda Women's height average is a 3,3 cm shorter from the world-wide average woman neck.
What are the length averages of the height of Russia men and women?
While Russia men are 177.2 centimeters in the mean, the weight averages of women living within the same country are 164.1 cm. It is seen that Russia women are 13.1 cm shorter than men. Russia Male Boy Average The world is 4,2 cm tall from the male average neck. Russia Women's Boy Average The World Women is 3.1 cm from the average neck.
How is Samoa men and women's size averages?
While the height averages of Samoa female citizens are 166.6 cm, there is no research data on the boys living in the same country. Samoa Women's Boy Average The World Women is 5.6 cm from the average neck.
What is the average length of Senegal citizens by their gender?
While the size averages of Senegal female citizens are 163 cm, there is no research data on the boys living in the same country. Senegal Women's Boy Average The World Women is 2 more than average neck.
Serbia Woman - What is the Male average length length?
While Serbia men are 182 centimeters, this value is 166.8 cm for women living in the same country. Serbia women are seen to be 15.2 cm from men. Serbia Male Boy Average is 9 cm longer than the male average neck. Serbia Women's Boy Average The world woman is 5.8 cm from the average neck.
What are Singapore men and women's length averages?
While Singapore men are 171 centimeters in the mean, the weight averages of women living within the same country are 160 cm. Singapore women are seen to be 11 cm shorter than men. Singapore Male Boy Average is 2 cm shorter than the world male size average. Singapore Women's Boy Average is 1 cm shorter from the world-wide average woman neck.
What is Slovakia men and women's size averages?
While the average height for Slovakia men is 179.4 centimeters, the height of women living in the same country is 165.6 cm. It is seen that Slovakia women are 13.8 cm shorter than men. Slovakia Male Boy Average The world is 6.4 cm from the male average neck. Slovakia woman size average is 4.6 cm above the world female average neck.
Slovenia - What is the average length of Ljubljana citizens by their gender?
Slovenia - Ljubljana men are an average of 180.3 centimeters, women living within the same country are 167.4 cm. Slovenia - Ljubljana women are 12.9 cm shorter than men. Slovenia - Ljubljana Male Boy Average The world is 7.3 cm from the male average neck. Slovenia - Ljubljana Women's Boy Average The world woman is 6.4 cm from the average neck.
Sri Lanka Woman - Male What is average length length?
While Sri Lanka men are 163.6 centimeters of their men, this value is 151.4 cm for women living in the same country. Sri Lanka women are seen to be 12.2 cm from men. Sri Lanka Male Boy Average is 9.4 cm shorter than the average of the world male size. Sri Lanka Women's height average is 9.6 cm shorter than the world-wide average woman neck.
What are Saudi Arabia men and women's length averages?
Saudi Arabia men are 168.9 centimeters in the mean, while the weight averages of women living within the same country are 156.3 cm. It is seen that Saudi Arabian women are 12.6 cm shorter than men. Saudi Arabia Male Boy Average is 4.1 cm shorter than the world male size average. Saudi Arabia Women's Boy Average is 4.7 cm shorter than the world-wide average woman neck.
What is the size average of chile men and women individuals?
While the average height is 169.6 centimeters for Chile men, the height of women living in the same country is 156.1 cm. Chile women are seen to be 13.5 cm shorter than men. Chile Male Boy Average is 3.4 cm shorter than the world male size average. Chile Women's Boy Average The world is 4,9 cm shorter than the average woman neck.
What is the average length of Tanzania citizens by their gender?
Tanzania Women's citizens are 156.6 cm, while the boys living in the same country are no research data on their height. Tanzania Women's height average is 4.4 cm shorter than the world-wide average woman neck.
Thai Woman - Male What is average length length?
While the average length of Thai men is 170.3 centimeters, this value is 159 cm for women living in the same country. It is seen that Thai women are 11.3 cm shorter than men. Thai Male Boy Average is 2.7 cm shorter than the world male size average. Thai woman size average is 2 cm shorter than the world-wide average woman neck.
What are Taiwan men and women's length averages?
While Taiwan men are 171.4 centimeters in the mean, the weight averages of women living within the same country are 159.9 cm. Taiwan women are seen to be 11.5 cm from men. Taiwan Male Boy Average is 1.6 cm shorter than the world male size average. Taiwan Women's Boy Average The average woman is 1.1 cm shorter than the average woman neck.
How is Togo men and women individuals average of individuals?
Togo women's citizens are 159 cm while the height of 159 cm, there is no research data on the boys living in the same country. Togo Women's height average is 2 cm shorter than the world-wide average woman neck.
What is the average length of tonga citizens by their gender?
While tonga men are 176.1 centimeters, women living in the same country are 165.3 cm. It is seen that Tonga women are 10.8 cm shorter than men. Tonga Male Boy Average The world is 3,1 cm tall from the male average neck. Tonga women size average is 4.3 cm above the world female average neck.
Turkey Woman - Male average height length?
While the average length of Turkey is 173.6 centimeters, this value is 161.9 cm for women living in the same country. Turkey women women are 11.7 cm shorter. Turkey Male Boy Average Earth Male is 0.6 cm from average neck. Turkey Women's Boy Average World woman is 0.9 cm from the average neck.
What are Uganda men and women's length averages?
While Uganda women's citizens are 159.2 cm, there are no research data on men's heights living in the same country. Uganda Women's height average is 1.8 cm shorter than the world-wide average woman neck.
What is Uruguay male and female individuals averaging
While the average height for Uruguay men was 170 centimeters, the height of women living in the same country is 158 cm. Uruguay women are seen to be 12 cm shorter than men. Uruguay Male Boy Average is 3 cm shorter than the average of the world male size. Uruguay Women's height average is 3 cm shorter than the average woman's neck.
What is the average length of the citizens of Jordan by their gender?
While the height averages of Jordan female citizens are 158.2 cm, there is no research data on the boys living in the same country. Jordan Women's height average is 2.8 cm shorter than the world-wide average woman neck.
Vietnam woman - Male average length of length?
While the average length of Vietnam men is 165.7 centimeters, this value is 155.2 cm for women living in the same country. Vietnam women are seen to be 10.5 cm shorter than men. Vietnam Male Boy Average is 7.3 cm shorter than the world male size average. Vietnamese women's height average is 5.8 cm shorter than the world-wide average woman neck.
What are the length averages of the height of New Zealand men and women?
While New Zealand men are 177 centimeters in the mean, the weight averages of women living within the same country are 164 cm. New Zealand women are 13 cm shorter than men are 13 cm. New Zealand Male Boy Average is 4 cm tall from the male average neck. New Zealand Women's Boy Average The world is 3 more than average neck.
Greece What is the size of men and women individuals?
While Greece is 177 centimeters for men, the height of women living within the same country is 165 cm. Greece women are seen to be 12 cm from men. Greece Male Boy Average The world is 4 cm tall from the male average neck. Greece Women's Boy Average The World Women is 4 cm from the average neck.
What is the average length of Zambia citizens by their gender?
The height averages of Zambia women's citizens are 158.5 cm, there is no research data on the boys living in the same country. Zambia Women's height average is 2.5 cm shorter from the world-wide average female neck.
Zimbabwe Woman - Male What is average length length?
While Zimbabwe women citizens are 160.3 cm, there are no research data on the heights of men living in the same country. Zimbabwe women height average is 0.7 cm shorter than the world-wide average female neck.
Measuring your height accurately
It can be difficult to measure your height at home without help. If you want to see where you stand, consider asking a friend or family member to help you out.
Measuring your height with someone else’s help
- Move to a room with a hard floor (no carpet) and a wall that is free of tables or other obstructions.
- Remove your shoes and any clothing or accessories that may affect your results . Open up any ponytails or braids that may prevent your head from leaning against the wall.
- Stand with your feet together and your heels against the wall. Straighten your arms and legs. Your shoulders should be straight. You can ask the helper to confirm that you are in proper form.
- Look straight ahead and fix your gaze so that your line of sight is parallel to the ground.
- Make sure your head, shoulders, butt and heels touch the wall. Due to body shape, not all areas of your body touch each other, but do your best. You should also take deep breaths and stand upright before taking any measurements.
- Have the helper mark your height using a flat headboard, such as a wall-mounted ruler, or another flat object, such as a book. The tool should be lowered with firm contact until it touches the crown of your head.
- Your partner should mark only once, carefully marking where it meets the wall, making sure their eyes are level with the meter.
- Use a tape measure to determine your height from the ground to the mark.
- Record your height by ticking the nearest 0.1 cm intervals.
Measure your own height
You can measure your height at home if there is no other person to help you. You might consider buying an inexpensive wall-mount meter (wall-mounted height meter) specifically for stature, or follow these steps:
- Again, stand on a flat surface with a clean wall that does not impede full body contact.
- Next, stand upright with your shoulders against the wall and slide a flat object such as a book or cutting board along the wall until you can lower it to make firm contact with the top of your head.
- Mark where the object falls under.
- Use a tape measure (tape meter) to determine your height from the ground to the mark.
- Record your height.
At the doctor or health unit
You can get a relatively accurate measurement at home, especially if you have help and follow all the steps. However, it may be a good idea to have your height measured at your doctor’s office as part of a routine physical exam.
The equipment in your doctor’s office may be better calibrated, and those who measure there may be better trained or more experienced in obtaining the most accurate measurement.
Measure Your Height
Numerous factors affect height, including age, diet, and health conditions. Averages can help statisticians observe health and growth trends, but they should not serve as a measure of self-worth.
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