Core inflation index Calculation

Core inflation index Calculation in Different Countries in the World

Core inflation index Calculation

Core inflation index is calculated differently in different countries. You will learn how is the core inflation index calculated in different countries in the World. Country list; USA, UK, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey.

You may also wonder how the unemployment level and Consumer Price Index (CPI) are calculated in different countries.


How is the Core inflation index calculated in Australia?

According to Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) the calculation of Core inflation index in Australia is done as follows.

All groups excluding volatile items : comprises the All groups CPI excluding Fruit and vegetables and Automotive fuel


How is the Core inflation index calculated in Austria?

According to Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO) the calculation of Core inflation index in Austria is done as follows.

All items non-food non-energy is derived from the All items index and its components Food and Energy. It does not include electricity, gas & other household fuels and automative fuel. It includes restaurant meals, alcoholic beverages, tobacco and water.


How is the Core inflation index calculated in Belgium?

According to Statistics Belgium the calculation of Core inflation index in Belgium is done as follows.

All items non-food non-energy is derived from the All Items index and its components Food and Energy. It excludes food products, non-alcoholic beverages, electricity, gas and other household fuels and gasoline. It includes restaurant meals, alcoholic beverages, tobacco, heat energy and water. Quarterly data derived by averaging monthly data.


How is the Core inflation index calculated in Canada?

According to Statistics Canada the calculation of Core inflation index in Canada is done as follows.

The measure excludes eight of the most volatile components from the CPI as well as the effect of indirect taxes on the remaining components


How is the Core inflation index calculated in Chile?

The calculation of Core inflation index in Chile is done as follows.

OECD calculation: All items non-food non-energy


How is the Core inflation index calculated in Colombia?

According to Central Bank the calculation of Core inflation index in Colombia is done as follows.

Indicators of basic inflation, Without primary food, utilities and fuels

Czech Republic

How is the Core inflation index calculated in Czech Republic?

The calculation of Core inflation index in Czech Republic is done as follows.

OECD calculation: All items non-food non-energy


How is the Core inflation index calculated in Denmark?

According to Statistics Denmark the calculation of Core inflation index in Denmark is done as follows.

OECD calculation: All items non-food non-energy


How is the Core inflation index calculated in Estonia?

According to Statistics Estonia the calculation of Core inflation index in Estonia is done as follows.

The series includes food and non-alcoholic beverages and electricity, gas and other fuels; and fuels and lubricants for personal transport equipment. It excludes meals, alcoholic beverages and tobacco and water. Quarterly data derived by averaging monthly data.


How is the Core inflation index calculated in Hungary?

According to Hungarian Central Statistical Office the calculation of Core inflation index in Hungary is done as follows.

All items less food less energy is derived from the All Items Index and its components Food and Energy. It excludes Food, non-Alcoholic beverages, electricity, gas, other fuel and gasoline. It includes alcoholic beverages, tobacco and water. It also includes restaurant meals from January 2000.


How is the Core inflation index calculated in Iceland?

According to Statistics Iceland the calculation of Core inflation index in Iceland is done as follows.

OECD calculation: All items non-food non-energy


How is the Core inflation index calculated in Ireland?

The calculation of Core inflation index in Ireland is done as follows.

All items less food less energy is derived from the All Items Index and its components Food and Energy. It excludes Food, non-Alcoholic beverages, electricity, gas, other fuel and gasoline. It includes restaurant meals, alcoholic beverages, tobacco and water. Quarterly data is derived by averaging monthly data.


How is the Core inflation index calculated in Israel?

According to Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) the calculation of Core inflation index in Israel is done as follows.

OECD calculation: All items non-food non-energy


How is the Core inflation index calculated in Japan?

According to OECD Main Economic Indicators (MEI) the calculation of Core inflation index in Japan is done as follows.

The OECD definition differs from the official Japanese core inflation.


How is the Core inflation index calculated in Korea?

According to Statistics Korea (KOSTAT) the calculation of Core inflation index in Korea is done as follows.

Consumer Price Index – All items excluding agricultural products and oils. Quarterly data are derived by averaging monthly data.


How is the Core inflation index calculated in Mexico?

According to Bank of Mexico the calculation of Core inflation index in Mexico is done as follows.

Consumer price index excluding goods and services whose prices are more volatile, or that the determination process does not respond to market conditions. Thus, the groups that are excluded in are the following: agricultural, energy and tariffs approved by various levels of government

New Zealand

How is the Core inflation index calculated in New Zealand?

According to Statistics New Zealand the calculation of Core inflation index in New Zealand is done as follows.

OECD calculation: All items non-food non-energy


How is the Core inflation index calculated in Norway?

According to OECD the calculation of Core inflation index in Norway is done as follows.

OECD calculation: All items non-food non-energy


How is the Core inflation index calculated in Poland?

According to Central Statistical Office (GUS) the calculation of Core inflation index in Poland is done as follows.

OECD calculation: All items non-food non-energy


How is the Core inflation index calculated in Portugal?

According to Statistics Portugal – Instituto Nacional de Estatistica (INE) the calculation of Core inflation index in Portugal is done as follows.

All items less food less energy is derived from the All Items Index and its components Food and Energy. It excludes Food, non-Alcoholic beverages, electricity, gas, other fuel and gasoline. It includes restaurant meals, alcoholic beverages, tobacco and water. Seasonally adjusted by OECD.


How is the Core inflation index calculated in Slovenia?

According to Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SORS) the calculation of Core inflation index in Slovenia is done as follows.

The series excludes food and non-alcoholic beverages and electricity, gas and other fuels and fuels and lubricants for personal transport equipment. It includes meals, alcoholic beverages and tobacco and water.


How is the Core inflation index calculated in Spain?

According to Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (INE) the calculation of Core inflation index in Spain is done as follows.

Overall index excluding unprocessed food and energy.


How is the Core inflation index calculated in Sweden?

According to Statistics Sweden the calculation of Core inflation index in Sweden is done as follows.

According to CPIF (CPI at constant interest rates) which differs from CPI by keeping interest rate for households mortgage interest payment at a constant rate


How is the Core inflation index calculated in Switzerland?

According to Banque Nationale Suisse (BNS) – Bulletin mensuel de statistiques économiques – Tableau O15: Prix à la consommation – Inflation sous-jacente de la BNS et de l’OFS the calculation of Core inflation index in Switzerland is done as follows.

Excluding fresh and seasonal products, energy and fuel


How is the Core inflation index calculated in Turkey?

According to Central bankTurkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat), Turkey the calculation of Core inflation index in Turkey is done as follows.

Excluding energy, food and non-alcoholic beverages, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products and gold

United States

How is the Core inflation index calculated in United States?

According to Bureau of Economic Analysis the calculation of Core inflation index in United States is done as follows.

Price index for Personal consumption expenditure less food less energy.

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