Unemployment level calculation

Meaning of the Employment to population ratio, Electricity production, Educational attainment and health expenditure.

Description of the Customs and other import duties (% of tax revenue)?

Customs and other import duties are all levies collected on goods that are entering the country or services delivered by nonresidents to residents. They include levies imposed for revenue or protection purposes and determined on a specific or ad valorem basis as long as they are restricted to imported goods or services.

Source: International Monetary Fund, Government Finance Statistics Yearbook and data files.

What is the Customs and other import duties (current LCU)?

Same as previous description. Please, look explanation above.

Source: International Monetary Fund, Government Finance Statistics Yearbook and data files.

Meaning of the Death rate, crude (per 1,000 people)?

Crude death rate indicates the number of deaths occurring during the year, per 1,000 population estimated at midyear. Subtracting the crude death rate from the crude birth rate provides the rate of natural increase, which is equal to the rate of population change in the absence of migration.

Source: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects: 2019 Revision. (2) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (3) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (4) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Reprot (various years), (5) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database, and (6) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme.

Description of the Debt service (PPG and IMF only, % of exports of goods, services and primary income)?

Debt service (PPG and IMF only, % of exports of goods, services and primary income)

Source: Debt service is the sum of principle repayments and interest actually paid in currency, goods, or services. This series differs from the standard debt to exports series. It covers only long-term public and publicly guaranteed debt and repayments (repurchases and charges) to the IMF. Exports of goods and services include primary income, but do not include workers’ remittances.

What is the Debt service on external debt, public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) (TDS, current US$)?

Public and publicly guaranteed debt service is the sum of principal repayments and interest actually paid in currency, goods, or services on long-term obligations of public debtors and long-term private obligations guaranteed by a public entity. Data are in current U.S. dollars.

Source: World Bank, International Debt Statistics.

Meaning of the Debt service on external debt, total (TDS, current US$)?

Total debt service is the sum of principal repayments and interest actually paid in currency, goods, or services on long-term debt, interest paid on short-term debt, and repayments (repurchases and charges) to the IMF. Data are in current U.S. dollars.

Source: World Bank, International Debt Statistics.

Description of the DEC alternative conversion factor (LCU per US$)?

The DEC alternative conversion factor is the underlying annual exchange rate used for the World Bank Atlas method. As a rule, it is the official exchange rate reported in the IMF’s International Financial Statistics (line rf). Exceptions arise where further refinements are made by World Bank staff. It is expressed in local currency units per U.S. dollar.

Source: International Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics, supplemented by World Bank staff estimates.

What is the Demand for family planning satisfied by modern methods (% of married women with demand for family planning)?

Demand for family planning satisfied by modern methods refers to the percentage of married women ages 15-49 years whose need for family planning is satisfied with modern methods.

Source: Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS).

Meaning of the Deposit interest rate (%)?

Deposit interest rate is the rate paid by commercial or similar banks for demand, time, or savings deposits. The terms and conditions attached to these rates differ by country, however, limiting their comparability.

Source: International Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics and data files.

Description of the Depositors with commercial banks (per 1,000 adults)?

Depositors with commercial banks are the reported number of deposit account holders at commercial banks and other resident banks functioning as commercial banks that are resident nonfinancial corporations (public and private) and households. For many countries data cover the total number of deposit accounts due to lack of information on account holders. The major types of deposits are checking accounts, savings accounts, and time deposits.

Source: International Monetary Fund, Financial Access Survey.

What is the Depth of credit information index (0=low to 8=high)?

Depth of credit information index measures rules affecting the scope, accessibility, and quality of credit information available through public or private credit registries. The index ranges from 0 to 8, with higher values indicating the availability of more credit information, from either a public registry or a private bureau, to facilitate lending decisions.

Source: World Bank, Doing Business project (http://www.doingbusiness.org/). NOTE: Doing Business has been discontinued as of 9/16/2021. For more information: https://bit.ly/3CLCbme

Meaning of the Diabetes prevalence (% of population ages 20 to 79)?

Diabetes prevalence refers to the percentage of people ages 20-79 who have type 1 or type 2 diabetes. It is calculated by adjusting to a standard population age-structure.

Source: International Diabetes Federation, Diabetes Atlas.

Description of the Diarrhea treatment (% of children under 5 receiving oral rehydration and continued feeding)?

Children with diarrhea who received oral rehydration and continued feeding refer to the percentage of children under age five with diarrhea in the two weeks prior to the survey who received either oral rehydration therapy or increased fluids, with continued feeding.

Source: UNICEF, State of the World’s Children, Childinfo, and Demographic and Health Surveys.

What is the Diarrhea treatment (% of children under 5 who received ORS packet)?

Percentage of children under age 5 with diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the survey who received oral rehydration salts (ORS packets or pre-packaged ORS fluids).

Source: UNICEF, State of the World’s Children, Childinfo, and Demographic and Health Surveys.

Meaning of the Disaster risk reduction progress score (1-5 scale; 5=best)?

Disaster risk reduction progress score is an average of self-assessment scores, ranging from 1 to 5, submitted by countries under Priority 1 of the Hyogo Framework National Progress Reports. The Hyogo Framework is a global blueprint for disaster risk reduction efforts that was adopted by 168 countries in 2005. Assessments of “Priority 1” include four indicators that reflect the degree to which countries have prioritized disaster risk reduction and the strengthening of relevant institutions.

Source: (UNISDR, 2009-2011 Progress Reports, http://www.preventionweb.net/english/hyogo).

Description of the Discrepancy in expenditure estimate of GDP (constant LCU)?

A statistical discrepancy usually arises when the GDP components are estimated independently by industrial origin and by expenditure categories. This item represents the discrepancy in the use of resources (i.e., the estimate of GDP by expenditure categories). Data are in constant local currency.

Source: World Bank national accounts data, and OECD National Accounts data files.

What is the Discrepancy in expenditure estimate of GDP (current LCU)?

Discrepancy in expenditure estimate of GDP is the discrepancy included in final consumption expenditure, etc. (total consumption, etc.). This discrepancy is included to ensure that GDP from the expenditure side equals GDP measured by the income or output approach. Data are in current local currency.

Source: World Bank national accounts data, and OECD National Accounts data files.

Meaning of the Domestic credit provided by financial sector (% of GDP)?

Domestic credit provided by the financial sector includes all credit to various sectors on a gross basis, with the exception of credit to the central government, which is net. The financial sector includes monetary authorities and deposit money banks, as well as other financial corporations where data are available (including corporations that do not accept transferable deposits but do incur such liabilities as time and savings deposits). Examples of other financial corporations are finance and leasing companies, money lenders, insurance corporations, pension funds, and foreign exchange companies.

Source: International Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics and data files, and World Bank and OECD GDP estimates.

Description of the Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP)?

Domestic credit to private sector refers to financial resources provided to the private sector by financial corporations, such as through loans, purchases of nonequity securities, and trade credits and other accounts receivable, that establish a claim for repayment. For some countries these claims include credit to public enterprises. The financial corporations include monetary authorities and deposit money banks, as well as other financial corporations where data are available (including corporations that do not accept transferable deposits but do incur such liabilities as time and savings deposits). Examples of other financial corporations are finance and leasing companies, money lenders, insurance corporations, pension funds, and foreign exchange companies.

Source: International Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics and data files, and World Bank and OECD GDP estimates.

What is the Domestic credit to private sector by banks (% of GDP)?

Domestic credit to private sector by banks refers to financial resources provided to the private sector by other depository corporations (deposit taking corporations except central banks), such as through loans, purchases of nonequity securities, and trade credits and other accounts receivable, that establish a claim for repayment. For some countries these claims include credit to public enterprises.

Source: Same as above.

Meaning of the Domestic general government health expenditure (% of current health expenditure)?

Share of current health expenditures funded from domestic public sources for health. Domestic public sources include domestic revenue as internal transfers and grants, transfers, subsidies to voluntary health insurance beneficiaries, non-profit institutions serving households (NPISH) or enterprise financing schemes as well as compulsory prepayment and social health insurance contributions. They do not include external resources spent by governments on health.

Source: World Health Organization Global Health Expenditure database (http://apps.who.int/nha/database). The data was retrieved on January 30, 2022.

Description of the Domestic general government health expenditure (% of GDP)?

Public expenditure on health from domestic sources as a share of the economy as measured by GDP.

Source: World Health Organization Global Health Expenditure database (http://apps.who.int/nha/database). The data was retrieved on January 30, 2022.

What is the Domestic general government health expenditure (% of general government expenditure)?

Public expenditure on health from domestic sources as a share of total public expenditure. It indicates the priority of the government to spend on health from own domestic public resources.

Source: Same as above.

Meaning of the Domestic general government health expenditure per capita (current US$)?

Public expenditure on health from domestic sources per capita expressed in current US dollars.

Source: Same as above.

Description of the Domestic general government health expenditure per capita, PPP (current international $)?

Public expenditure on health from domestic sources per capita expressed in international dollars at purchasing power parity.

Source: Same as above.

What is the Domestic private health expenditure (% of current health expenditure)?

Share of current health expenditures funded from domestic private sources. Domestic private sources include funds from households, corporations and non-profit organizations. Such expenditures can be either prepaid to voluntary health insurance or paid directly to healthcare providers.

Source: Same as above.

Meaning of the Domestic private health expenditure per capita (current US$)?

Current private expenditures on health per capita expressed in current US dollars. Domestic private sources include funds from households, corporations and non-profit organizations. Such expenditures can be either prepaid to voluntary health insurance or paid directly to healthcare providers.

Source: Same as above.

Description of the Domestic private health expenditure per capita, PPP (current international $)?

Current private expenditures on health per capita expressed in international dollars at purchasing power parity.

Source: Same as above.

What is the Droughts, floods, extreme temperatures (% of population, average 1990-2009)?

Droughts, floods and extreme temperatures is the annual average percentage of the population that is affected by natural disasters classified as either droughts, floods, or extreme temperature events. A drought is an extended period of time characterized by a deficiency in a region’s water supply that is the result of constantly below average precipitation. A drought can lead to losses to agriculture, affect inland navigation and hydropower plants, and cause a lack of drinking water and famine. A flood is a significant rise of water level in a stream, lake, reservoir or coastal region. Extreme temperature events are either cold waves or heat waves. A cold wave can be both a prolonged period of excessively cold weather and the sudden invasion of very cold air over a large area. Along with frost it can cause damage to agriculture, infrastructure, and property. A heat wave is a prolonged period of excessively hot and sometimes also humid weather relative to normal climate patterns of a certain region. Population affected is the number of people injured, left homeless or requiring immediate assistance during a period of emergency resulting from a natural disaster; it can also include displaced or evacuated people. Average percentage of population affected is calculated by dividing the sum of total affected for the period stated by the sum of the annual population figures for the period stated.

Source: EM-DAT: The OFDA/CRED International Disaster Database: www.emdat.be, Université Catholique de Louvain, Brussels (Belgium), World Bank.

Meaning of the Ease of doing business rank (1=most business-friendly regulations)?

Ease of doing business ranks economies from 1 to 190, with first place being the best. The ranking of economies is determined by sorting the aggregate ease of doing business scores. A high ranking (a low numerical rank) means that the regulatory environment is conducive to business operation.

Source: World Bank, Doing Business project (http://www.doingbusiness.org/). NOTE: Doing Business has been discontinued as of 9/16/2021. For more information: https://bit.ly/3CLCbme

Description of the Ease of doing business score (0 = lowest performance to 100 = best performance)?

The ease of doing business scores benchmark economies with respect to regulatory best practice, showing the proximity to the best regulatory performance on each Doing Business indicator. An economy’s score is indicated on a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 represents the worst regulatory performance and 100 the best regulatory performance.

Source: World Bank, Doing Business project (http://www.doingbusiness.org/). NOTE: Doing Business has been discontinued as of 9/16/2021. For more information: https://bit.ly/3CLCbme

What is the Educational attainment, at least Bachelor’s or equivalent, population 25+, female (%) (cumulative)?

The percentage of population ages 25 and over that attained or completed Bachelor’s or equivalent.

Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics (http://uis.unesco.org/). Data as of September 2021.

Meaning of the Educational attainment, at least Bachelor’s or equivalent, population 25+, male (%) (cumulative)?

Same as previous description. Please, look explanation above.

Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics (http://uis.unesco.org/). Data as of September 2021.

Description of the Educational attainment, at least Bachelor’s or equivalent, population 25+, total (%) (cumulative)?

Same as previous description. Please, look explanation above.

Source: Same as above.

What is the Educational attainment, at least completed lower secondary, population 25+, female (%) (cumulative)?

The percentage of population ages 25 and over that attained or completed lower secondary education.

Source: Same as above.

Meaning of the Educational attainment, at least completed lower secondary, population 25+, male (%) (cumulative)?

Same as previous description. Please, look explanation above.

Source: Same as above.

Description of the Educational attainment, at least completed lower secondary, population 25+, total (%) (cumulative)?

Same as previous description. Please, look explanation above.

Source: Same as above.

What is the Educational attainment, at least completed post-secondary, population 25+, female (%) (cumulative)?

The percentage of population ages 25 and over that attained or completed post-secondary non-tertiary education.

Source: Same as above.

Meaning of the Educational attainment, at least completed post-secondary, population 25+, male (%) (cumulative)?

Same as previous description. Please, look explanation above.

Source: Same as above.

Description of the Educational attainment, at least completed post-secondary, population 25+, total (%) (cumulative)?

Same as previous description. Please, look explanation above.

Source: Same as above.

What is the Educational attainment, at least completed primary, population 25+ years, female (%) (cumulative)?

The percentage of population ages 25 and over that attained or completed primary education.

Source: Same as above.

Meaning of the Educational attainment, at least completed primary, population 25+ years, male (%) (cumulative)?

Same as previous description. Please, look explanation above.

Source: Same as above.

Description of the Educational attainment, at least completed primary, population 25+ years, total (%) (cumulative)?

Same as previous description. Please, look explanation above.

Source: Same as above.

What is the Educational attainment, at least completed short-cycle tertiary, population 25+, female (%) (cumulative)?

The percentage of population ages 25 and over that attained or completed short-cycle tertiary education.

Source: Same as above.

Meaning of the Educational attainment, at least completed short-cycle tertiary, population 25+, male (%) (cumulative)?

Same as previous description. Please, look explanation above.

Source: Same as above.

Description of the Educational attainment, at least completed short-cycle tertiary, population 25+, total (%) (cumulative)?

Same as previous description. Please, look explanation above.

Source: Same as above.

What is the Educational attainment, at least completed upper secondary, population 25+, female (%) (cumulative)?

The percentage of population ages 25 and over that attained or completed upper secondary education.

Source: Same as above.

Meaning of the Educational attainment, at least completed upper secondary, population 25+, male (%) (cumulative)?

Same as previous description. Please, look explanation above.

Source: Same as above.

Description of the Educational attainment, at least completed upper secondary, population 25+, total (%) (cumulative)?

Same as previous description. Please, look explanation above.

Source: Same as above.

What is the Educational attainment, at least Master’s or equivalent, population 25+, female (%) (cumulative)?

The percentage of population ages 25 and over that attained or completed Master’s or equivalent.

Source: Same as above.

Meaning of the Educational attainment, at least Master’s or equivalent, population 25+, male (%) (cumulative)?

Same as previous description. Please, look explanation above.

Source: Same as above.

Description of the Educational attainment, at least Master’s or equivalent, population 25+, total (%) (cumulative)?

Same as previous description. Please, look explanation above.

Source: Same as above.

What is the Educational attainment, Doctoral or equivalent, population 25+, female (%) (cumulative)?

The percentage of population ages 25 and over that attained or completed Doctoral or equivalent.

Source: Same as above.

Meaning of the Educational attainment, Doctoral or equivalent, population 25+, male (%) (cumulative)?

Same as previous description. Please, look explanation above.

Source: Same as above.

Description of the Educational attainment, Doctoral or equivalent, population 25+, total (%) (cumulative)?

Same as previous description. Please, look explanation above.

Source: Same as above.

What is the Electric power consumption (kWh per capita)?

Electric power consumption measures the production of power plants and combined heat and power plants less transmission, distribution, and transformation losses and own use by heat and power plants.

Source: IEA Statistics © OECD/IEA 2014 (http://www.iea.org/stats/index.asp), subject to https://www.iea.org/t&c/termsandconditions/

Meaning of the Electric power transmission and distribution losses (% of output)?

Electric power transmission and distribution losses include losses in transmission between sources of supply and points of distribution and in the distribution to consumers, including pilferage.

Source: IEA Statistics © OECD/IEA 2018 (http://www.iea.org/stats/index.asp), subject to https://www.iea.org/t&c/termsandconditions/

Description of the Electricity production from coal sources (% of total)?

Sources of electricity refer to the inputs used to generate electricity. Coal refers to all coal and brown coal, both primary (including hard coal and lignite-brown coal) and derived fuels (including patent fuel, coke oven coke, gas coke, coke oven gas, and blast furnace gas). Peat is also included in this category.

Source: IEA Statistics © OECD/IEA 2014 (http://www.iea.org/stats/index.asp), subject to https://www.iea.org/t&c/termsandconditions/

What is the Electricity production from hydroelectric sources (% of total)?

Sources of electricity refer to the inputs used to generate electricity. Hydropower refers to electricity produced by hydroelectric power plants.

Source: IEA Statistics © OECD/IEA 2014 (http://www.iea.org/stats/index.asp), subject to https://www.iea.org/t&c/termsandconditions/

Meaning of the Electricity production from natural gas sources (% of total)?

Sources of electricity refer to the inputs used to generate electricity. Gas refers to natural gas but excludes natural gas liquids.

Source: Same as above.

Description of the Electricity production from nuclear sources (% of total)?

Sources of electricity refer to the inputs used to generate electricity. Nuclear power refers to electricity produced by nuclear power plants.

Source: Same as above.

What is the Electricity production from oil sources (% of total)?

Sources of electricity refer to the inputs used to generate electricity. Oil refers to crude oil and petroleum products.

Source: Same as above.

Meaning of the Electricity production from oil, gas and coal sources (% of total)?

Sources of electricity refer to the inputs used to generate electricity. Oil refers to crude oil and petroleum products. Gas refers to natural gas but excludes natural gas liquids. Coal refers to all coal and brown coal, both primary (including hard coal and lignite-brown coal) and derived fuels (including patent fuel, coke oven coke, gas coke, coke oven gas, and blast furnace gas). Peat is also included in this category.

Source: Same as above.

Description of the Electricity production from renewable sources, excluding hydroelectric (% of total)?

Electricity production from renewable sources, excluding hydroelectric, includes geothermal, solar, tides, wind, biomass, and biofuels.

Source: Same as above.

What is the Electricity production from renewable sources, excluding hydroelectric (kWh)?

Same as previous description. Please, look explanation above.

Source: Same as above.

Meaning of the Employers, female (% of female employment) (modeled ILO estimate)?

Employers are those workers who, working on their own account or with one or a few partners, hold the type of jobs defined as a “self-employment jobs” i.e. jobs where the remuneration is directly dependent upon the profits derived from the goods and services produced), and, in this capacity, have engaged, on a continuous basis, one or more persons to work for them as employee(s).

Source: International Labour Organization, ILOSTAT database. Data retrieved on January 29, 2021.

Description of the Employers, male (% of male employment) (modeled ILO estimate)?

Same as previous description. Please, look explanation above.

Source: International Labour Organization, ILOSTAT database. Data retrieved on January 29, 2021.

What is the Employers, total (% of total employment) (modeled ILO estimate)?

Same as previous description. Please, look explanation above.

Source: Same as above.

Meaning of the Employment in agriculture (% of total employment) (modeled ILO estimate)?

Employment is defined as persons of working age who were engaged in any activity to produce goods or provide services for pay or profit, whether at work during the reference period or not at work due to temporary absence from a job, or to working-time arrangement. The agriculture sector consists of activities in agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing, in accordance with division 1 (ISIC 2) or categories A-B (ISIC 3) or category A (ISIC 4).

Source: International Labour Organization, ILOSTAT database. Data retrieved on January 29, 2021.

Description of the Employment in agriculture, female (% of female employment) (modeled ILO estimate)?

Same as previous description. Please, look explanation above.

Source: International Labour Organization, ILOSTAT database. Data retrieved on January 29, 2021.

What is the Employment in agriculture, male (% of male employment) (modeled ILO estimate)?

Same as previous description. Please, look explanation above.

Source: Same as above.

Meaning of the Employment in industry (% of total employment) (modeled ILO estimate)?

Employment is defined as persons of working age who were engaged in any activity to produce goods or provide services for pay or profit, whether at work during the reference period or not at work due to temporary absence from a job, or to working-time arrangement. The industry sector consists of mining and quarrying, manufacturing, construction, and public utilities (electricity, gas, and water), in accordance with divisions 2-5 (ISIC 2) or categories C-F (ISIC 3) or categories B-F (ISIC 4).

Source: Same as above.

Description of the Employment in industry, female (% of female employment) (modeled ILO estimate)?

Same as previous description. Please, look explanation above.

Source: Same as above.

What is the Employment in industry, male (% of male employment) (modeled ILO estimate)?

Same as previous description. Please, look explanation above.

Source: Same as above.

Meaning of the Employment in services (% of total employment) (modeled ILO estimate)?

Employment is defined as persons of working age who were engaged in any activity to produce goods or provide services for pay or profit, whether at work during the reference period or not at work due to temporary absence from a job, or to working-time arrangement. The services sector consists of wholesale and retail trade and restaurants and hotels; transport, storage, and communications; financing, insurance, real estate, and business services; and community, social, and personal services, in accordance with divisions 6-9 (ISIC 2) or categories G-Q (ISIC 3) or categories G-U (ISIC 4).

Source: Same as above.

Description of the Employment in services, female (% of female employment) (modeled ILO estimate)?

Same as previous description. Please, look explanation above.

Source: Same as above.

What is the Employment in services, male (% of male employment) (modeled ILO estimate)?

Same as previous description. Please, look explanation above.

Source: Same as above.

Meaning of the Employment to population ratio, 15+, female (%) (modeled ILO estimate)?

Employment to population ratio is the proportion of a country’s population that is employed. Employment is defined as persons of working age who, during a short reference period, were engaged in any activity to produce goods or provide services for pay or profit, whether at work during the reference period (i.e. who worked in a job for at least one hour) or not at work due to temporary absence from a job, or to working-time arrangements. Ages 15 and older are generally considered the working-age population.

Source: International Labour Organization, ILOSTAT database. Data retrieved on February 8, 2022.

Description of the Employment to population ratio, 15+, female (%) (national estimate)?

Same as previous description. Please, look explanation above.

Source: International Labour Organization, ILOSTAT database. Data retrieved on February 8, 2022.

What is the Employment to population ratio, 15+, male (%) (modeled ILO estimate)?

Same as previous description. Please, look explanation above.

Source: Same as above.

Meaning of the Employment to population ratio, 15+, male (%) (national estimate)?

Same as previous description. Please, look explanation above.

Source: Same as above.

Description of the Employment to population ratio, 15+, total (%) (modeled ILO estimate)?

Same as previous description. Please, look explanation above.

Source: Same as above.

What is the Employment to population ratio, 15+, total (%) (national estimate)?

Same as previous description. Please, look explanation above.

Source: Same as above.

Meaning of the Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, female (%) (modeled ILO estimate)?

Employment to population ratio is the proportion of a country’s population that is employed. Employment is defined as persons of working age who, during a short reference period, were engaged in any activity to produce goods or provide services for pay or profit, whether at work during the reference period (i.e. who worked in a job for at least one hour) or not at work due to temporary absence from a job, or to working-time arrangements. Ages 15-24 are generally considered the youth population.

Source: Same as above.

Description of the Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, female (%) (national estimate)?

Same as previous description. Please, look explanation above.

Source: Same as above.

What is the Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, male (%) (modeled ILO estimate)?

Same as previous description. Please, look explanation above.

Source: Same as above.

Meaning of the Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, male (%) (national estimate)?

Same as previous description. Please, look explanation above.

Source: Same as above.

Description of the Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, total (%) (modeled ILO estimate)?

Same as previous description. Please, look explanation above.

Source: Same as above.

What is the Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, total (%) (national estimate)?

Same as previous description. Please, look explanation above.

Source: Same as above.

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