Unemployment level

Unemployment level calculation of in different countries in the World 2022

Unemployment levelThe unemployment level calculation

The unemployment level is calculated differently in different countries. You will learn how is the unemployment level calculation calculated in different countries in the World. You can see the Unemployment level calculation method of these countries; Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom and United States.

You may also wonder how the core inflation index and Consumer Price Index are calculated in different countries.


How is the Unemployment level calculated in Australia?

According to Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) ; 6202.0 – Labour Force, Australia ; Table 03. Labour force status by Sex the calculation of Unemployment level in Australia is done as follows.

Data for unemployment, employment and the labour force are taken from the monthly Household Labour Force Survey and refer to the population aged 15 and over. Persons laid-off for less than four weeks (because of bad weather or plant breakdown) are included among the employed; all other layoffs are considered as unemployed or out of the labour force. Quarterly data are seasonally adjusted at source.


How is the Unemployment level calculated in Austria?

According to Österreichisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (WIFO) the calculation of Unemployment level in Austria is done as follows.

Data for total employment and unemployment are taken from the national Labour Force Survey. and refer to the population aged 15 and over. The unemployment series is corrected for statistical breaks. The labour force is derived as the sum of total employment and unemployment


How is the Unemployment level calculated in Belgium?

According to National Bank of Belgium (NBB) the calculation of Unemployment level in Belgium is done as follows.

Harmonised data derived from the Labour Force Survey (LFS, population older than 15 years), monthly adjusted by using the administrative national unemployment figures, in accordance with the Eurostat methodology.


How is the Unemployment level calculated in Brazil?

According to IBGE, Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, Brazil. the calculation of Unemployment level in Brazil is done as follows.

From 2012 onwards, data are based on the quarterly PNAD (PESQUISA NACIONAL POR AMOSTRA DE DOMICÍLIOS – PNAD, Quartely survey, Pessoas de 14 anos ou mais de idade) which covers the whole country.The working-age population refers to population aged 14 and over. From 2003 to 2012, data are spliced based on the annual haromonized PNAD. Before 2003, data are sourced from IMF.


How is the Unemployment level calculated in Canada?

According to Statistics Canada the calculation of Unemployment level in Canada is done as follows.

Data for unemployment, employment and labour force are from the monthly Labour Force Survey and refer to the population aged 15 and over. Unemployment also includes persons who, while not actively looking for work in the preceding four weeks, were available for work, but were on temporary layoff or had a new job to start in four weeks or less. Quarterly data are seasonally adjusted at source.


How is the Unemployment level calculated in Chile?

The calculation of Unemployment level in Chile is done as follows.

Data for unemployment, employment and the labour force are taken from the quarterly Labour Force Survey conducted by the National Statistical Institute (INE) and refer to the population aged 15 and over.


How is the Unemployment level calculated in Colombia?

According to National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE). the calculation of Unemployment level in Colombia is done as follows.

Data for employment and labour force are taken from the monthly household survey (Gran Encuesta Integrada de Hogares (GEIH)) which covers the whole country. The working age population refers to the urban population aged 12 and over and the rural population aged 10 and over.

Czech Republic

How is the Unemployment level calculated in Czech Republic?

According to Czech Statistical Office, Prague. the calculation of Unemployment level in Czech Republic is done as follows.

Data for total employment and unemployment are taken from the quarterly Labour Force Survey and refer to the population aged 15 and over. Labour force is derived from total employment and unemployment. Quarterly data are seasonally adjusted by the OECD


How is the Unemployment level calculated in Denmark?

According to Statistics Denmark, Copenhagen. the calculation of Unemployment level in Denmark is done as follows.

Harmonised unemployment produced by Eurostat. Seasonal adjustment performed by the OECD.


How is the Unemployment level calculated in Estonia?

According to Statistics Estonia the calculation of Unemployment level in Estonia is done as follows.

Data are taken from the quarterly Labour Force Survey and refer to the population aged 15 and over.


How is the Unemployment level calculated in Finland?

According to Statistics Finland, Helsinki. the calculation of Unemployment level in Finland is done as follows.

Data for total employment and labour force are taken from the quarterly Labour Force Survey and refer to the population aged 15 and over. Unemployment is derived from labour force and total employment. Quarterly data are seasonally adjusted by the OECD.


How is the Unemployment level calculated in France?

According to Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (INSEE), Paris. the calculation of Unemployment level in France is done as follows.

From table “”Quarterly unemployment rate (ILO definition) by gender and age (%)””. Data refer to all persons aged 15 years and over living in France including oversea departments.


How is the Unemployment level calculated in Germany?

According to Statistisches Bundesamt the calculation of Unemployment level in Germany is done as follows.

ILO concept. Data refer to persons aged 15 to 74 years,recalculation according to the results of Population and Housing Census 2011


How is the Unemployment level calculated in Greece?

According to Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT), Athens the calculation of Unemployment level in Greece is done as follows.

Data for unemployment, employment and the labour force are taken from the quarterly Labour Force Statistics and refer to the population aged 15 and over. Labour force is derived from employment and unemployment. Quarterly data are seasonally adjusted by the OECD.


How is the Unemployment level calculated in Hungary?

According to Hungarian Central Statistical Office the calculation of Unemployment level in Hungary is done as follows.

Data is taken from the quarterly Labour Force Survey and refer to the population aged 15 and over.


How is the Unemployment level calculated in Iceland?

According to Statistics Iceland the calculation of Unemployment level in Iceland is done as follows.

Data for total employment and labour force are taken from the quarterly Labour Force Survey and refer to population aged 16-74. Up to 2003Q1 the figures are from the annual Labour Force Survey. Unemployment is derived from total employment and labour force.


How is the Unemployment level calculated in Ireland?

According to Central Statistics Office (CSO) the calculation of Unemployment level in Ireland is done as follows.

Data is taken from the Quarterly National Household Survey and refer to the population aged 15 and over. Up to 1997 the figures are from the annual Labour Force Survey and relate to mid-April of each year.


How is the Unemployment level calculated in Israel?

According to Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) the calculation of Unemployment level in Israel is done as follows.

All persons aged 15 and over. From 2012q1, source = OECD Main Economic Indicators (MEI). Before 2012Q1 a coefficient published by CBS is applied to the MEI data (1.377). As of January 2012, the format of Labour Force Survey was changed from a quarterly survey to a monthly survey and the survey coverage was adjusted to internationally accepted norms. In the monthly survey, the sample is increased and the CBS surveyors visit all the persons drawn for the sample once a month. Thus, updated information, giving a current picture of the labour market, is made available to decision makers. In addition, the survey currently measures the characteristics of the entire labour force instead of the civilian labour force.


How is the Unemployment level calculated in Italy?

According to Istituto Nazionale di Statistica (ISTAT) the calculation of Unemployment level in Italy is done as follows.

Number of unemployed persons who are 15 years old and over


How is the Unemployment level calculated in Japan?

According to Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), Cabinet Office (CAO) the calculation of Unemployment level in Japan is done as follows.

Data refer to all persons aged 15 and over. From March to September 2011, official data excluded Tohoku area. However, in April 2012, the statistics bureau provided estimates for the area. The figures are not official series but referential ones for time-series comparison.(Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. historical data table 1.1 period : 2013m3 to 2013m3 )


How is the Unemployment level calculated in Korea?

According to Statistics Korea (KOSTAT) the calculation of Unemployment level in Korea is done as follows.

Data is taken from the quarterly Labour Force Survey and refer to the population aged 15 and over.


How is the Unemployment level calculated in Latvia?

According to Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) the calculation of Unemployment level in Latvia is done as follows.

Data refer to polulation aged 15-74 years . 2002-2011 – recalculation according to the results of Population and Housing Census 2011


How is the Unemployment level calculated in Lithuania?

According to Statistics Lithuania the calculation of Unemployment level in Lithuania is done as follows.

Persons aged 15 and over. Unemployment is derived from employment and labour force data.


How is the Unemployment level calculated in Luxembourg?

According to Service central de la Statistique et des Études Économiques (STATEC) the calculation of Unemployment level in Luxembourg is done as follows.

Données STATEC désaisonnalisées


How is the Unemployment level calculated in Mexico?

The calculation of Unemployment level in Mexico is done as follows.

Data for the working-age population, labour force, total employment and unemployment as well as self-employment and dependent employment, are taken from the National Survey of Employment (ENE), covering the whole territory. Quarterly data are seasonally adjusted by the OECD.


How is the Unemployment level calculated in Netherlands?

According to Statistics Netherlands, Unemployed and employed labour force per month (International definitions) the calculation of Unemployment level in Netherlands is done as follows.

Derived from Monthly data. Source CBS. Since 2015, labour data are fully consistent with ILO definitions.

New Zealand

How is the Unemployment level calculated in New Zealand?

According to Statistics New Zealand the calculation of Unemployment level in New Zealand is done as follows.

Data for employment and unemployment are taken from the quarterly Household Labour Force Survey and refer to the population aged 15 and over. Labour force is derived from employment and unemployment. Quarterly data are seasonally adjusted at source. The working-age population, used to derive participation rates, refer to the population aged 16 and over.


How is the Unemployment level calculated in Norway?

According to Statistics Norway, Oslo. the calculation of Unemployment level in Norway is done as follows.

Data for labour force and unemployment are taken from the quarterly Labour Force Survey and refer to the population aged 15 and over. Total employment is derived from labour force and unemployment. Quarterly data are seasonally adjusted by the OECD


How is the Unemployment level calculated in Poland?

According to Central Statistical Office (GUS) the calculation of Unemployment level in Poland is done as follows.

Data are compiled from the results of the continuous quarterly Household Labour Force Survey from 2010Q1. The survey covers members of randomly selected households. Data refer to the non-institutional population and cover all persons aged 15 years and over living in households continuously for at least two months. The population not living in private households is excluded, such as enlisted soldiers in military barracks, persons in jail, and persons with no place of residence. Career members of the armed forces who live in private households are included in civilian labour force. The armed forces only include conscripts.


How is the Unemployment level calculated in Portugal?

According to Statistics Portugal – Instituto Nacional de Estatistica (INE) the calculation of Unemployment level in Portugal is done as follows.

Data is taken from the quarterly Labour Force Survey and refer to the population aged 15 and over. Unemployment is derived from labour force and total employment.


How is the Unemployment level calculated in Russia?

According to Federal State Statistics Services (Rosstat) the calculation of Unemployment level in Russia is done as follows.

Persons aged 15 and over.

Slovak Republic

How is the Unemployment level calculated in Slovak Republic?

The calculation of Unemployment level in Slovak Republic is done as follows.

Data for total employment and unemployment are taken from the quarterly Labour Force Survey and refer to the population aged 15 and over. Labour force is derived from total employment and unemployment. Quarterly data are seasonally adjusted by the OECD


How is the Unemployment level calculated in Slovenia?

According to Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SORS) the calculation of Unemployment level in Slovenia is done as follows.

Data refer to all persons aged 15 and over


How is the Unemployment level calculated in Spain?

According to Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (INE) the calculation of Unemployment level in Spain is done as follows.

Persons aged 16 and over. Data are taken from the Economically Active Population Survey.


How is the Unemployment level calculated in Sweden?

According to Statistics Sweden – Statistiska centralbyran (SCB) the calculation of Unemployment level in Sweden is done as follows.

Arbetslösa, Säsongrensat, 15-74 ar


How is the Unemployment level calculated in Switzerland?

According to Federal Statistical Office (FSO) the calculation of Unemployment level in Switzerland is done as follows.

ILO definitions. 15y.o. and more.


How is the Unemployment level calculated in Turkey?

The calculation of Unemployment level in Turkey is done as follows.

Data for employment and labour force are taken from the monthly Labour Force Survey and refer to the population aged 15 and over. Quarterly data are seasonally adjusted by the OECD.

United Kingdom

How is the Unemployment level calculated in United Kingdom?

According to Office for National Statistics (ONS) the calculation of Unemployment level in United Kingdom is done as follows.

Data are taken from the quarterly Labour Force Survey and refer to the population aged 16 and over. Unemployment is derived from total employment (civilian employment plus the armed forces) and the labour force.

United States

How is the Unemployment level calculated in United States?

The calculation of Unemployment level in United States is done as follows.

Unemployment, civilian employment and civilian labour force are from the monthly Current Population Survey of persons aged 16 and over. The data are seasonally adjusted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Data are seasonally adjusted at source. The working-age population, used to derive participation rates, refer to the population aged 16 and over.

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